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Electricity - electronics- electrotechnical > Energy: production and distribution > DIRECT BOARDS SchPT Electricity - electronics- electrotechnical > Energy: production and distribution > DIRECT BOARDS SchPT
Direct-Current Boards are used to receive and distribute 220 V / 110 V / 24 V DC current, protect against overloads and short-circuits in DC electric power consumer networks, to control battery current and bus voltage, as well as control and generate alarm signals if feeders insulation resistance reduces.
No price provided
Parameter name Parameter values Unit of measure
Device rated current, A
From 0 to 2500
x x
 x   x 
Rated currents of hookups/connections, A
From 0 to 630
x x
 x   x 
Rated voltage, V
24, 110, 220
x x
 x   x 
Uninterruptible power supply of operating control circuits, Relay Protection and Automatic Equipment and Alarm Systems, switching devices electromagnets, Power Stations emergency lighting, Electric Substations and other energy facilities; storage batteries charging and constant boost charging and gathering and transmission of data on electric facilities status to the Facility’s Automatic Control System.
Direct-Current Boards,DC,220V,110V,24V,DC electric power
* Indicates required field
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